Election Results

KCLSU Elections 2024

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

President (full-time, paid)

Results have not been published yet.

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Vice President Activities & Development (full-time, paid)

  • Virajit SINGH Manifesto

    Viraj's Vision : Let's Continue the Mission

    Elected at stage 1 with 684 votes

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Vice President Education (Arts & Sciences) (full time, paid)

  • Madeeha SAHER Manifesto

    Striving to help you reach your full potential.

    Elected at stage 1 with 934.5 votes

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Vice President Education (Health) (full time, paid)

  • Julia KOSOWSKA Manifesto

    Julia for a SECOND term of office - With EXPERIENCE I'll do it AGAIN, but BETTER

    Elected at stage 1 with 824.5 votes

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Vice President Postgraduate (full-time, paid)

  • SHEEBA NAAZ Manifesto

    Celebrate, Hustle and Keep Kings Real

    Elected at stage 1 with 670 votes

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Vice President Welfare & Community (full-time, paid)

  • HANEEN FARID Manifesto

    WIT- Well-being, Inclusivity, Transparency: Vote Haneen for VP Welfare & Community!

    Elected at stage 1 with 882.5 votes

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NUS National Conference Delegate

  • S Nagar Ranganathan Manifesto

    S N Ranganathan for President at KCL. With an engineering background and leadership in the Hindu Society and KCL Racing Society, plus experience as a student rep, I'm committed to serving effectively with a passion for innovation!

    Elected at stage 1 with 91.15 votes

  • Alavi Hossain

    Elected at stage 1 with 91.15 votes

  • Azzan Zahid Manifesto

    Voice. Vision. Victory. Together, we shape our future.

    Elected at stage 1 with 91.16 votes


    Elected at stage 1 with 91.16 votes

  • Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About

    Elected at stage 1 with 91.16 votes

  • Moumen Y.

    Elected at stage 1 with 91.16 votes

  • Shakib Manifesto

    No regrets, just vibes

    Elected at stage 1 with 91.16 votes

  • Rishik PILLA Manifesto


    Elected at stage 3 with 80.04 votes


    Elected at stage 7 with 75.52 votes

  • Tahira Amini

    Elected at stage 13 with 60.28 votes

  • Julia PRESSNER

    Elected at stage 15 with 50.52 votes

  • Abdul PATEL

    Elected at stage 16 with 45.78 votes

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Student Trustee

  • Uhayd Manifesto

    “He has represented us before, he will do it again!”

    Elected at stage 9 with 350.8 votes

  • Anaya ANGAL Manifesto

    Advocacy. Accountability. Agility. Vote Anaya for Student Trustee!

    Elected at stage 16 with 250 votes

  • Mueed Qurashi Manifesto

    Elected at stage 16 with 250 votes

  • Samira Omar Manifesto

    Breaking Barriers and Building Futures!

    Elected at stage 17 with 238 votes

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[deleted] 30 Minutes Society - President

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] 30 Minutes Society - Treasurer

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] 30 Minutes Society - Vice-President

  • Hanna WENGER Manifesto

    Spontaneous things? I can do that :)

    Elected at stage 1 with 6.5 votes

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - President

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Treasurer

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Vice-President

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Secretary

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Academic Lead

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Publicity Lead

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Events Lead

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Volunteering Lead

There were no candidates for this post.

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[deleted] Afghan Medical Foundation - Fundraising Lead

There were no candidates for this post.

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Afghan Welfare Society - President

There were no candidates for this post.

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Afghan Welfare Society - Treasurer

There were no candidates for this post.

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Afghan Welfare Society - Events Lead

  • Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About

    Elected at stage 1 with 0.5 votes

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Afghan Welfare Society - Ex-officio

  • Mahdi

    Elected at stage 1 with 0.25 votes

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Afghan Welfare Society - Publicity Officer

There were no candidates for this post.

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African and Caribbean Society - President

There were no candidates for this post.

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African and Caribbean Society - Treasurer

There were no candidates for this post.

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African and Caribbean Society - Vice-President

There were no candidates for this post.

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African and Caribbean Society - Careers & Sponsorship Officer

There were no candidates for this post.

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African and Caribbean Society - Events Officer

  • Anointed GEORGE Manifesto

    Creating Memories From Celebration to Connection :)

    Elected at stage 1 with 5.5 votes

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