NUS (National Union of Students) is a confederation of student unions in the UK. Being affiliated with NUS means that as a union, we can create policy and campaign on a national level.

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NUS Conferences

NUS (National Union of Students) is a confederation of student unions in the UK. Being affiliated with NUS means that as a union, we can create policy and campaign on a national level. NUS Conferences are the lead decision making bodies of the organisation where delegates representing students from across NUS membership review the work over the last year, decide on priorities and policy for the following year and elect the leadership.

NUS Conference Policy Submissions

We can propose policies, or 'ideas', to be discussed at NUS Conferences. Any Students’ Union that is affiliated to NUS can submit an idea or amendment to National Conference and Liberation Conferences. You can read more about NUS Conferences here.

Ideas must be submitted before 12pm, Wednesday 15 November 2023.

Campaigning with NUS

Kings College London Students’ Union is affiliated with the National Union of Students (NUS). Like our union, NUS is democratically run and we elect NUS delegates to attend conferences to vote on policies and for positions. NUS has a membership of over 7 million students and they represent student issues on a national scale. Like our union, they have officers who represent and campaign in different student areas.

NUS officers work on campaigns across a number of areas that you can get involved in.

If you are interested in campaigning with a focus on liberation issues, NUS have autonomous liberation groups that also run campaigns.

Our NUS Delegates

KCLSU Network Chairs automatically receive a place at their respective NUS Liberation Conference. Delegates for NUS National Conference will be elected.