News Article

Staying Safe during Welcome Week



Ensure your safety and responsibility during evenings out, especially when alcohol is involved. Have a nutritious meal before going out, acquaint yourself with the surroundings, and be vigilant about your belongings, particularly your drink. If you're returning home late at night, do so with friends and utilise trusted transportation options (such as the university bus or a certified taxi company). 

University life brings numerous new experiences but prioritise feeling secure and at ease in all your activities. When in doubt, exercise caution. Refer to our pages for a comprehensive guide on staying safe and secure at university, including an assessment of the safety of your university city. Additionally, check our annual data on student-relevant crime rates. Here are several ways to help ensure your safety: 

  • Always inform someone of your whereabouts and who you're with. 

  • Arrange for a friend to call you at a specific time to check on your well-being if you're out alone or with someone you don't know well. 

  • Have at least one person on speed dial for emergencies. 

  • Never leave your drinks unattended at any time. 

  • If you anticipate a potentially wild night, carry a condom or two "just in case" – this applies to both males and females! You can obtain them for free from many health centres and Brook clinics. 

  • Register with a GP (General Practitioner) and dentist as soon as possible.  

  • Keep the phone numbers of both your GP and dentist readily accessible in case you fall ill or experience toothache. 

If you are on a King's campus, in a residence, or passing through/near campus public areas and have immediate concerns about your personal safety, make your way to the nearest 24/7 King's security reception or call the 24/7 security number at 020 7848 8661 (extension 88661) – you will be assisted until the police arrive.  

Our Campuses: Residing in University Accommodations 

To ensure students' safety, residences throughout the campus are closely monitored by Closed-Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV). Students living on campus can contribute to each other's safety by: 

  • Reporting any suspicious activity to the reception in their residence initially. For more information on how to contact each reception, refer to the complete list of Residences at King's. 

  • Contacting a Residence Welfare Lead if you encounter any issues while living with your flatmates. 

  • Visiting or getting in touch with the Security Team to report out-of-hours maintenance problems or any security concerns on campus. Each campus has its own office and a dedicated security team. 

  • Contact the Police in case of an emergency if it's outside of regular hours. 

  • Completing a Student of Concern form if you are worried about another student's well-being. 

Safety at KCLSU 

If you are feeling vulnerable or unsafe within any KCLSU venue, approach the Students' Union's independent advice service, KCLSU Advice, for free, confidential, and impartial advice regarding any issues that may have affected your studies. 

Additionally, all KCLSU staff are aware of Ask for Angela. If you’re feeling vulnerable in one of our bars, cafes, or activity spaces; go to a member of staff, KCLSU Welfare Monitor, or security and ‘ask for Angela’, they will discreetly help and, if necessary, ensure you get home safely. 

‘Spikies’ and drink caps: Ask one of our bar staff if you’d like a ‘spikie’ or ‘drink cap’ to protect your drink from spiking; both are available for free at Guy’s Bar and The Vault. Check "Stop the Music Anti-Spiking Campaign" here.


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