Where are you spending your quarantine?
Since the quarantine started, I haven’t even left my room at Angel Lane, Stratford
How is that going?
In the first few days, it was a mix of worry about the situation and excitement to have a lot of free time to do things I’ve been planning on doing. I found this quarantine a great opportunity to read more in my field and also another book on self-improvement that I had for months sitting on the shelf! I also managed to find a routine starting with calling my parents and friends back home in the morning, a 30 minutes HIIT workout, reading for a bit in the afternoon and binge-watching Netflix for the rest of the day!
What worries you the most at this time as a King’s student?
I think I’m most worried about the patients’ treatment that was delayed because of the quarantine, as I have them in mind and hope I will be able to provide their treatment needs soon enough.
What are you doing for your wellbeing while indoors?
Lots of things! I manage to do a 30 minutes workout almost every day, I’m reading and I've also started a new hobby called Dimond painting which turns out is very interesting and satisfying!
Give us a tip for self-care that is working for you:
Knowing that this is only a phase, and will all pass, keeping a positive outlook is key in this time. But also staying in touch with loved ones is the greatest self-care for you and them during this quarantine
Out of the five ways for wellbeing*, What would you say is the one you are practicing the most these days?
I can say that I'm investing in relationships during this time. During this time, I made a lot of effort to reconnect with old school friends who have moved to different places all around the world. I've arranged for multiple video calls with mutual friends where we all talked about our happy memories together.
Give a piece of advice to other peers studying for exams while in quarantine:
No matter what’s going on during this tough time, your education is more important, and you need to keep motivating yourself to accomplish your best. I'd suggests using conference apps like Teams and Zoom to collaborate with your course mates and do a once or twice a week revision session and use the first 5-10 minutes to catch up and have a laugh.
Photo from my most recent trip to Paris, where I celebrated my birthday and New Year’s Eve of this soon to become a wonderful 2020