Where are you spending your quarantine?
Luckily I was able to fly back to my family in Dubai, so I’m currently in quarantine over there. Sadly I know that many residents abroad, including my sister, are no longer able to come back as the UAE has now implemented a travel ban to try and control the spread of the virus. Other measures have also been put into place here to address the seriousness of the situation including a nationwide quarantine and enhanced screening procedures.
How is that going?
It took some adjusting, and after a week of waking up at 2 pm, I’m finally getting into the swing of things. I’m working on trying to maintain a schedule to help keep motivated and organised, but it definitely can take some time to settle into everything. There have been times where I had to remind myself that university is still going on, in spite of no longer being London, and I still have to stay on top of lectures and deadlines, as it’s easy to forget sometimes.
What worries you the most at this time as a King’s student?
This has definitely been a big adjustment and our lives have seemingly come to a halt within a matter of days. I was initially worried about meeting deadlines and keeping motivated whilst doing online learning, but our department has been really supportive and is aware of how the whole the virus might impact different people. With the media coverage right now, the situation can seem quite daunting, but it’s important to understand how serious this is and how we all need to do our part of socially isolating.
What are you doing for your wellbeing while indoors?
I have gotten back into baking and my family have been thoroughly enjoying the results. We’ve also been playing a lot of board games and card games in the evenings and I’ve started a list of books and movies I’d like to get through.
Give us a tip for self-care that is working for you:
Whilst I’ve been trying my best to keep myself busy during the day, I’ve also found it really important to take the time to unwind in the evening. Because I no longer have the structure of the university, I sometimes worry that I’m not doing enough and feel guilty when I’m not doing any work. But I now make sure to stop working by a certain time and allow myself to relax with a movie or talk to friends.
Out of the King's five ways for wellbeing*, what would you say is the one you are practising the most these days?
Initially, I was practising Keep Moving by walking my dog and going for runs outside, but since the quarantine has become stricter, and in the interest of protecting others and myself, I have been staying at home. Instead, I have been following an online fitness program through Chloe Ting. She has different programs to choose from on her website that targets different areas, and there are videos to follow each day, and so far I’ve been really enjoying it.
Give a piece of advice to other peers studying for exams while in quarantine:
Whilst it has proven to be one of the more challenging things, having a proper sleeping schedule has been one of the biggest things in terms of staying on top of my studies. It was initially quite hard getting back into the studying mindset, but by waking up and going to bed at a proper time, I have been able to structure my day much more easily and efficiently.

*The King's ways of Wellbeing are: Keep Moving, Invest in relationships, Never stop learning, Give to others, Savour the moment. Find more in our Take Time In pages!
Check here for the rest of our Quarantine Around the World series!