Here at KCLSU we are marking LGBT+ History Month with a range of events. For those looking to learn more about the month and its significance, check out the resources below.

LGBT+ Network events
The KCLSU LGBT+ Network is made up of three societies: the LGBT+ Society, Sexpression, and Decolonise KCL. Every year the network collaborates with the SU to host educational events, and the individual societies it represents host informative events as well. Keep an eye on the KCLSU website to learn more about what the Network is doing this year to celebrate LGBT+ history.
Queer@King’s initiatives
Formed in 2003, Queer@King’s is a group of researchers across King’s which aims to promote accessible education and research on LGBT+ history, advocacy, and allyship. The group holds events and projects which have featured prominent LGBT+ individuals and represented both students and faculty at the university.
Module options
For those looking to pursue a more in-depth knowledge of LGBT+ history, King’s offers modules such as Queer Histories and Critically Queer: Literature, Culture and Queer Theory which focus on engaging with queer theory and telling historically marginalised stories. While these courses may not be accessible to everyone, the reading lists for both and for other related modules can be found online and can be viewed with a KCL login.
General resources
There are lots of resources online and in London to learn more about the history and importance of LGBT+ History Month. The Museum of London has a page dedicated to highlighting LGBT+ history in London, and the British Library has a collection of documents and resources as well. The LGBT+ History Month UK website also has great resources to learn more and expand your allyship. Be sure to keep an eye on our KCLSU page as well for the exciting events we have coming up!
LGBT+ History Month runs for the entire month of February. See more about the events and initiatives we're running to mark the month here: