News Article

Thea’s Commitment to KCLSU Student Groups

Portrait of Thea Turton, VP Activities & Development

As I look back on my year as VP Activities & Development, I am proud and grateful for the opportunity to serve and collaborate with such an inspiring community. This year has been about enhancing communication, fostering student leadership, and improving the overall student experience at KCLSU. I want to share some of the key initiatives and accomplishments we've achieved together.

  • Enhancing Communication and Visibility

One of my primary goals was to improve the visibility of processes and communication between KCLSU, KCL, and student groups. By creating and developing better channels of communication, I aimed to empower both staff and students, while valuing the input from student leaders in KCLSU decision-making.

  1. Sport Hall of Fame: I had the honor of being a KCLSU panelist for the Sport Hall of Fame inductees, hosted by the Olympian and KCL alumna, Katherine Grainger. This event was a testament to the unity between KCLSU and KCL, as our sports clubs presented awards to the inductees, celebrating their achievements and inspiring future athletes.
  2. New Malden Sports Ground: Listening to student feedback has been crucial. I took your concerns to King’s Sport and chaired a feedback session at the New Malden Sports Ground. As a result, King’s Sport committed to short-term renovations and projects to improve the grounds, showing the impact of our collective voice.
  3. Increased Communication Channels: To ensure you stayed informed and engaged, I utilised the KCLSU student leaders’ newsletter, StudentLifeKCLSU Instagram, and held weekly drop-ins. These platforms have allowed for more consistent and transparent communication, making it easier for you to share your thoughts and stay updated.
  4. Representation and Advocacy: I had the privilege of representing student leaders at the Faculty Education and Student Affairs Group (FESAG) and University Executive meetings. This role was vital in advocating for your needs and ensuring student perspectives were considered in university decisions.
  5. Internal Reviews and Project Boards: I worked on several internal KCLSU reviews and project boards, including Awards and Training. We proposed new training initiatives in collaboration with KCL, aiming to streamline processes and policies. These efforts were designed to help student groups fulfill their core activities more effectively.
  • Improving Community Leaders Training and Opportunities

Another key focus was improving Community Leaders Training (CLT) and creating more opportunities for student leaders.

  1. In-Person Forums: We organised two in-person forums for student leaders to provide feedback on the provision. These sessions were invaluable in understanding your needs and tailoring our support accordingly.
  2. Self-Development and Networking Opportunities: Collaborating with King’s Careers and KCLSU, we hosted the “Kickstart Your Career, Celebrate Your Impact” workshop and a post-elections panel with ROAR, Handball, French Society, and Law Council. These events offered valuable opportunities for self-development and networking, helping you prepare for future careers and leadership roles.
  3. Student Advisory Group: We established a student advisory group to provide feedback and consultation on CLT training proposals. Your insights were instrumental in shaping a more effective and relevant training program.
  4. Revision of CLT: We revised the CLT to focus more on the “why,” ensuring the content was short, informative, and useful. The new format accommodates different schedules and responsibilities, providing incoming student leaders with a clearer training journey throughout the year.
  • Empowering student groups and improving communications channels for staff and students

Student Groups have been at the core of my mission this year. As your Vice President, Activities and Development, I have worked to integrate the following in student life:

  1. Reprsentation: I represent Student Leaders in a variety of committees, advisory groups, meetings, and project boards daily. It’s an opportunity to contribute to staff-led implementation of new policies, procedures, or frameworks intended to develop the service and support we provide to student groups. 
  2. Visbility and Awareness: I have worked hard this year to be visible! KCLSU flagship events, “Student life” Instagram, the monthly newsletter, drop-ins.... – this combined approach means that I have a holistic overview and outreach. 

Thank you for your trust, support, and active participation. It has been an honor to be your VP Activities & Development, and I look forward to seeing all the incredible things you will accomplish in the future.

Thea Turton, VP Activities & Development 


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