News Article

Student Officers at King’s College London Students’ Union (KCLSU)

Student Officers play a vital role in enhancing student life at King’s College London, representing student interests, supporting initiatives, and striving for positive change within the student community. As essential components of student life, they lead KCLSU, amplifying the voices of their peers and working to improve the overall student experience.


The President serves as the Chair of the KCLSU Trustee Board, assuming responsibility for leading the board and the entire organisation. Collaborating with the board, the President establishes objectives for the Chief Executive of KCLSU and monitors their performance. Additionally, the President represents student needs by working closely with senior management from both KCL and KCLSU. As the SU's lead delegate, they attend the National Union of Students (NUS) conference.

Vice-President (Activities and Development)

The VP for Activities and Development spearheads the overall development of student activities, societies, and clubs. Serving as the primary liaison for KCL Estates, King’s Sport, KCL Service (volunteering), and KCL London, they represent the needs of student-led groups and strive to enhance their experiences.

Vice-President (Education - Arts & Sciences and Health

There are two Vice-Presidents for Education, each representing specific faculties: Arts & Sciences and Health. They take the lead in advocating for students within their respective faculties, sitting on the KCL Board of Trustees and relevant academic boards and sub-committees. They serve as the primary contacts for Senior Vice Presidents for Education at KCL, academic associations, and representatives.

Vice-President (Postgraduate)

The VP Postgraduate oversees all matters concerning postgraduates, including their educational experience, development of postgraduate societies and activities, and wellbeing. They also focus on representing underrepresented postgraduate communities and serve as the main liaison with the KCL Centre of Doctoral Studies and the KCL VP (Research).

Vice-President (Welfare and Community)

The VP for Welfare and Community leads efforts to enhance student wellbeing and represent underrepresented student communities across the university. Working closely with various KCL teams, including Diversity and Inclusion, Widening Participation, and Support Services, they ensure a supportive and inclusive environment for all students. Additionally, they oversee the Liberation Networks.

In the upcoming Spring Elections, these six full-time Student Officer positions will be open for election. These officers sit on the KCLSU board and play pivotal roles in leading the organisation, each with distinct areas of responsibility aimed at improving the student experience at King’s College London.


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