News Article

Steven's Top 5 Headlines of the Year

I’m thrilled to share some fantastic advancements that we've made together at our university. As your Students' Union President, it's been my priority to champion initiatives that significantly benefit our student community. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve accomplished so far:

Rent Guarantor Scheme

I’ve successfully negotiated with KCL to set up a working group for a Rent Guarantor Scheme. This groundbreaking initiative will help international students to access a wider range of accommodation options and shift from paying rent 6-12 months upfront to a more manageable monthly basis. This is a game-changer in making KCL more accessible to our international community. 

Tuition Fee Tuition Fee Instalments

I’ve laid the groundwork with senior leadership at KCL to introduce flexible tuition fee instalments starting from 2026. My engagement with influential figures like the Chief Financial Officer and Chairman of KCL – and participating on the recruitment panel for the next chair – ensures that we’re placing leaders who value our input and uphold our interests.

Living Bursaries 

As a member of the Access and Participation Plan Steering Group, our priority this year has been renegotiating the flexibility of APP-funded bursaries. We're adapting these to better meet students' needs during unforeseen circumstances like cost of living crises or pandemics. I’m happy to announce that bursaries will see an increase, which is a direct result of our advocacy.

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

I’ve spearheaded a myth-busting campaign to demystify conceptions about our counselling services. We’ve installed digital screens across campus displaying accurate counselling wait times and introduced our diverse team of counsellors through personalised “get to know me” slides. This initiative promotes transparency and accessibility in our mental health resources.

Fossil Free Campaigns

I’ve vocally opposed any acceptance of donations from the fossil fuel industries, maintaining our commitment to environmental sustainability and aligning our fundraising efforts with our values.

These achievements underscore our commitment to enhancing student life at KCL. Thank you for your continuous support, which enables us to make these important changes. Let’s continue to work together for a brighter, more inclusive future at King’s College London. 

Warm regards, 

Steven Suresh 

President, King’s College London Students’ Union 


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