News Article

New mental health campaign launched

A new campaign has been launched looking to improve mental health support at KCL. The campaign ‘Mind What Matters KCL’ was launched in the run-up to World Mental Health Day. With the tagline ‘we’re vocal that we’re not okay’, the team working on the campaign are clear about what they want the campaign to achieve.


Campaigner Lux said, ‘I hope that in the long run, we manage to reform the counselling services, in one way or another. At the end of the day, I hope that this project brings us closer to our, and all of the people who did this before us, goal- to make King's counselling services more inclusive.


‘I hope that someday, hopefully soon, anyone and everyone can get a much more easily accessible appointment and can walk into the room where they will be met by a 100% understanding counsellor.’


The campaign team have been active already, collecting pictures and experiences from students on world mental health day. Campaigner Maya hopes this is a campaign people will get involved in; ‘Mental health affects everyone in one way or another and this campaign isn’t a one-person job! For the University to notice us and the need for an improved counselling service, they need to hear from all of us.’


You can sign up to hear more about the campaign and get more involved at





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