News Article

In conversation with Esha Sudera, your Academic Representative

A strong advocate of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Esha Sudera is a second-year adult nursing student (a shout-out to all our Nursing faculty students!) who works as a student academic representative (rep).  

Read more on how Esha explores her journey as a student academic representative at KCLSU and sheds light on this opportunity for her peers.  


What is a Student Representative and why did you choose to take on this role? 

Firstly, being a Student Rep is an invaluable contribution to the student experience at King’s because we amplify the voices of numbers of students to improve satisfaction and the overall KCL experience.  I chose to be a Rep because I personally felt it important for students to be heard. The role provides an opportunity to represent the views of my peers and fellow students at the university level.  I also get an opportunity to represent the student community in areas that I am passionate about, namely: Education and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 

What do you like the most about being a Student Rep? 

The fact that I am allowed to be creative and innovative whilst ensuring the development of fellow students. As part of the Faculty Education Committee, I liaise with students and staff to ensure students receive the best experience through high quality academic standards and learning. These meetings form the foundations of facilitating change.   We discuss any improvements that could be made, and we also share successes because of changes we have implemented. 

What are your key takeaways from being a Student Rep? 

The ability to develop stronger networking and communication skills that positively contribute to my professional and personal life. As a Rep, I particularly enjoy working for our students’ union, KCLSU, allowing me to engage with students and staff across different faculties and departments! This has been made possible through regular SSLC meetings, on-campus skills training and webinar opportunities. 

What challenges have you overcome? 

At the beginning, the high number of requests from students made it difficult to address concerns and required time to find things that would support them. However, connecting with students from different year groups and faculties, along with more familiarity with support options and resources that King’s and KCLSU offers, has helped me in being able to signpost students on where they can get the support they need. 

What are your plans as a Student Rep? 

I want to promote liaising with Student Reps as a safe space for students to come forward with their concerns.  I am truly passionate about bridging the communication gap between students and university staff using student feedback to enable a better understanding of student experience and suggesting ways to enhance this. In addition to improving the academic learning experience, I want to ensure health, equality, financial and wellbeing concerns are also addressed. Being a female student from a minority background means I understand ways to enhance the King’s community by promoting diversity and inclusion for students from lower represented backgrounds.  

I hope my views help to shed some light on the role of a Student Rep. and perhaps other students reading this may inspire them to want to nominate themselves next academic year! 

Esha’s experience is just one of the many interesting KCLSU academic reps (nearly 1000 of them!)  Last year, we heard your feedback through the National Student Survey This year, we want you to come out stronger in numbers and tell us how we did. 

Go fill the NSS now and enjoy receiving your free merch! 


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