Whether you’re a newbie on campus or a veteran, we bet you won’t know all of these facts about King’s campuses. Keep scrolling to find out more..!

Located on the north bank of the River Thames, the Strand Campus is home to King's arts and sciences faculties. Virginia Woolf regularly frequented the Strand, so much so that the area was included in several of her works, including "Street Haunting: A London Adventure," and the novel Mrs. Dalloway. We even have a building named after her!

The Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine and the Dental Institute are based at the riverside Guy's Campus, next to the Shard. If you go to the Eastern courtyard by the Colonnade on Guy’s Campus, you’ll notice it has a round-hooded stone nook with a statue sitting inside. This nook is actually part of the old London Bridge, which was demolished in 1831, and is one of the only remaining remnants. Pretty cool!

Waterloo campus houses the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, as well as some facilities for other faculties. One of it’s main buildings, the Franklin-Wilkins Building has a rich history. Once known as Cornwall House, which was constructed between 1912 and 1915 as a National Archive, it was requisitioned for use as a military hospital during World War One.
Denmark Hill

Home to the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, Denmark Hill also provides facilities to the Dental Institute. Ruskin Park, only minutes away from the campus, spans 36 acres and was the site of Pink Floyd’s first official photoshoot! A must see for fans!