News Article

10 Things to do Before Starting University

Photos spread out on desk with glasses frames and plant

Congratulations! All your hard work has paid off and you’ve earned yourself a place at university. We bet you’re wondering what the next steps are, right? The following ten activities are sure to help you get ready for one of the biggest moments of your life: starting your new journey in higher education this September.


1. Try something new

You’ve probably spent the last few years working hard at school and college to prepare for university, which might’ve led to missing out on a few things. Now’s the chance to try something new – whether that be a sport, class, books, you name it. This is also a great time to discover what you like and what you don’t so that you can meet others with similar interests once you start at King’s. You might even find that the university offers the activity that you like in the form of a sports club or society. Win, win!


2. Get reading!

Whether you want to get a head start on your course reading list or relax in the park with a summer novel, getting into a new book while you still have some free time is never a bad idea. We suggest picking up something light to enjoy some leisure reading before the term starts!

Pro tip: Instead of buying brand new course books, you can get some second-hand copies from 2nd and 3rd years or borrow books from the university library to save some money (if you’re fast enough!)



3. Visit your new university, and your new city if you’re moving far from home

If you’re moving to a new city or even a new country, you’ll need to give yourself time to settle in and get to know your surroundings. Why not take a little road trip with mates to scout out your new home and get familiar with everything from train stations to supermarkets and best hang out spots? Even if you’ll be living at home while studying, it will be good to get a scope of what’s around your uni campus, as you’ll be spending most of your time there.


4. Feng shui your space

You might not be planning to move all of your belongings to university, but you’ll still find yourself packing excessively anyway – from books and stationary to clothes (MANY clothes) and toiletries. If you’re going to stay at home while you study, de-cluttering your space and creating the perfect personal study space is essential.


5. Get cooking

If there was ever a time to brush up on your cooking skills, or just learn altogether, it is before you head off for university. If you’re planning on living at home while studying, being able to prep meals to have between lectures will also save you both time and money. You can make cooking fun by picking up an interesting cookbook from our local bookshop or checking out a short cooking tutorial on YouTube, and there’s no need to stress about being the next Gordon Ramsay – learning the basics is key.



6. Join a ‘YourUni 2019/20 Freshers’ social media group

Making new friends is one of the hardest but most rewarding parts of starting university. So get a head start on making those connections with fellow students before the term begins. Freshers Facebook groups are a great place to start building friendships and connecting with future classmates; the groups are also useful for sharing information and tips with students who have been in the same boat as you.


7. Spend time with friends and family

This one may sound cheesy as you might be really excited about moving out of your parents’ house or even from your home country, but the truth is that everyone eventually feels homesick and misses their family and friends during the first few months at university. Before you embark on this journey be sure to spend some quality time with your loved ones back home, and once you’ve moved in try to keep in touch as much as possible. Take a trip, go for a picnic, have a potluck dinner or just enjoy each other’s company over a good Netflix show while you’re still around for the summer. Let’s not forget our furry friends too, from dogs to cats, as they’re the most important members!


8. Get into volunteering

Use your free time over the summer to do a good deed – give volunteering a try. There are bound to be great projects around your community that you can get involved with to help give back. Volunteering is also a great way to use skills you already have (language, reading, maths, cooking or sports) for a good cause. You can hold a bake sale, help out at a soup kitchen or run a marathon for charity – the choice is yours.



9. Pack your keepsakes

Before you take on the adventure that is university, it’s important that you cherish all the good times you’ve had leading up to this point. A lovely way to do this is with keepsakes around your new uni home.  Decorate your room with photos of your favourite memories, special gifts and sentimental trinkets from holidays and memorable occasions. Not only will it help you to feel less homesick but it’ll also add some personal flair to your space.


10. Check out the Fresher’s Week Schedule

Fresher’s Week is not just about moving in – it’s also the perfect time to get to know your course mates and flatmates and start building some friendships. Have a look at your university’s Fresher’s Week schedule and pick out which events, talks or activities you can attend. With a selection of events like city tours, club nights and movie screenings, there’s something for everyone!



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