News Article

Getting Through Exam Season: Healthy Studying Habits


Whether this is your first year at university or your last, exam season can feel overwhelming. We are here to give you some tips to help prepare you to approach each exam with a healthy outlook. This post will focus on healthy study habits on the run up to exams, but we have more advice for exam season coming your way, so keep an eye out for other posts from this series! 

1. Make your wellbeing a priority 

i love you text on pink and white polka dot background 

It’s easy to get caught up revising for hours on end, but you don’t want to end up feeling burnt out on the day of the exam. While revising, make sure you’re giving yourself time to eat, sleep, stay hydrated, and put your mental and physical health first. If your exam is online, give yourself some time to get up and stretch or have a meal if possible. You’ll feel much better for it, and it will make all of your exams seem more manageable. 

2. Don’t overdo it 

man sitting on surface 

It might be tempting to pull an all-nighter studying before an exam, but you won’t be working at full capacity with no sleep. Studying is important, but your mental and physical health should come first. Allow yourself a good night’s sleep, healthy meals, and some time to unwind after long studying sessions. It might sound obvious, but prioritising your health can go a long way in maintaining that balance. 

3. Reward yourself 

a person holding a cupcake with sprinkles on it 

It’s easier to get work done when you know you have something to look forward to at the end of it! Try leaving yourself an hour after studying to do something that makes you feel good - whether that’s baking, taking a bath, or watching your favourite show. Maintaining your wellbeing will make the exam season seem much less daunting. 

4. Don’t close off friends and family 

man and woman sitting on sofa in a room 

While turning your phone off and setting time limits on social media might be great for studying, exam season doesn’t mean you should shut yourself off from the world! Even just a quick chat after a studying session with a friend or family member can help to keep stress at bay and make you feel more grounded. If you have friends you know you can get work done around, group study sessions (in person or over video call) can also be a great way to feel connected. 

5. Keep things in perspective 


person holding crystal ball

Exams aren’t everything, and it’s important to remember that your results in no way define your worth. These weeks can feel hectic and at times overwhelming, but soon enough you’ll be on the other side of them. Meanwhile, make time for yourself, be kind to yourself even if things don’t go quite as planned, and remember that there are lots of opportunities throughout the year to show how much you’ve learned

If you have been affected by anything mentioned in this article, or need extra support, check out the KCLSU Wellbeing Hub or come and see our friendly KCSLU Advice caseworkers for anything you may need help with including mitigating circumstances.


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