Remote Exam Support

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We know that the exam period is usually a hard period for many students, and the circumstances of this year may make it even more challenging. At KCLSU Advice, we want to make sure we support you and give you the necessary tools to overcome the exams period whether your exam is in-person or remote. You got this!


Your four “musts” during exams:

  1. Have I checked the date & time?
  2. Do I know the format of the exam (question type, length, etc.)?
  3. Have I double-checked what I’m allowed to have with me?
  4. Am I physically and mentally well enough to sit the exam?


Your 10 steps to be exam ready:

  1. Think about where you will sit for the exam and how to minimize noise and distractions.
  2. Communicate with the people you live with about your exams and put a sign on your door, so that you are not interrupted.
  3. Read the rules carefully and more than once if needed.
  4. Tell your Tutor ASAP if anything is affecting your ability to sit exams or submit assignments.
  5. Check out the helpful guides online for Mitigating Circumstances and get in touch if you’d like help from our friendly caseworkers.
  6. Make sure you use the correct Turnitin window – you’ll need the submission one, not the practice one. KCLSU supports students who make this mistake in every assessment period. Believe us when we say it’s worth double and triple-checking.
  7. Check your Department and Faculty submission rules. Some don’t allow .docx documents.
  8. Change your computer’s default save settings in advance so that you won’t forget under time pressure.
  9. If your internet connection fails, let your Department know ASAP and check out KCLSU Advice’s guide to Mitigating Circumstances.
  10. Make sure you stay hydrated before and during the exam.


  • DO check the date, time, and format of your exams and assessments.
  • DO let your Tutor know straight away if you’re experiencing or foresee any problems prior to the exam.
  • DO get in touch with KCLSU Advice if you are unable to sit or have missed an exam.



  • DON’T wait until the last minute to log on or clear your desk.
  • DON’T sit your exam if you’re unwell or experiencing Mitigating Circumstances.
  • DON’T cheat or break any exam rules, like talking with your peers on social media during the exam or using material from various websites. The College takes exam misconduct very seriously and you could even be expelled if caught.


And finally, DO relax and do as well as you can.
Whatever the outcome, we’ll be here to support you if you need it.