List of Clubs

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Surf Club


  • Surf Club Associate Membership£30.00
  • Surf Club Recreational Membership£30.00

Join KCL's sickest sports club

Come with us to carve, rip and wipeout all over the UK, and join our socials to chill out and vibe your way through the year



London is undoubtedly an amazing city, but there's no denying the city & university can get a little overwhelming at times...

If you fancy regular weekends away to the seaside, consider joining KCL Surf Club! We will be organising trips to CornwallMorocco, as well as a mad Summer trip somewhere hot (no spoilers though) as well as some awesome socials somewhere more local.

It doesn't matter whether you surfed Pipeline when you were 10 or have never seen the sea before, as long as you're willing to relax and have some fun!

Membership gets you access to our trips and greatest group of pals you could wish for!

Check us out on Instagram for all the trip updates!: @kclsurfclub.

Join our WhatsApp community here -


Come and say hello to us during Welcome Fair on Thursday 19th September!

Upcoming events:

  1. Freshers week TBC

Upcoming trips

  • BUCS Surfing Championships: 11-13 October 2024 (Newquay, Cornwall)
    • Our absolute classic. A 3 day festival in the capital of British surfing where you'll be able to compete and party with surfers from all around the UK.
    • Competing isn't mandatory but if you represent our club, you'll have the entry cost and part of the transport and accommodation cost reimbursed by KCLSU!
    • The trip is open to both complete novices and advanced surfers.
  • Newquay - November 2024
  • Morocco - January 2025
  • International trip: Mid June 2024
    • Our previous destinations included the Algarve in Portugal and Cantabria in Spain!

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