Event Description

Thursday 28 September 2023

4pm - 6pm

The Studio (Behind The Shack) , Bush House South East Wing, Ground Floor, Strand Campus


Our campaign’s aim is to end King’s strategic inefficiency and create dignity for vulnerable students.

Our plan is to introduce new students to the University’s systems and policies regarding disabled and other vulnerable students and relevant adjustments.

We will have a short (15-20 min) presentation on policies, getting a hold of Disability support services, and the sorts of things Disability can help with followed by social/ask-the-campaign-folks-questions time (and free food :) ). We also have BSL interpretation for anyone who might need it. Link for anyone joining online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yzk5ZDYyNWUtM2IyOS00YTY3LWJiOWEtNGQ5YzUyMjI3MWIy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2277d50e00-291f-4018-a428-d80213ee38db%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2212fe6efd-0409-46ab-9437-5bea3f08ae9a%22%7d

Ways of navigating disability at King’s can be very opaque – our goal is to make it more transparent for new students who need adjustments in order to facilitate learning and participation at university.

We also plan to address issues of access for other vulnerable students, not just those planning to register with Disability. This can reflect a wide variety of experiences which may mean that a student requires additional support, including but not limited to neurodiversity, mental/ physical health, experiences of abuse or other crimes, financial hardship or bereavement. 

Given the aim of the campaign, familiarising new students with policies and ways to get help and adjustments is fundamental to our goals. Navigating KCL policies is a significant part of the process for getting adjustments.



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