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Candidate for the position of Student Trustee




Being a student trustee I want to be there for you. How am I going to do this …


  • More inclusivity and support of sport teams


Having lots of friends who do sports, I would listen to your point of view and recommendations as athletes, about how King’s can be more accommodating and supportive. From getting more funds to allow more sport societies to train within King’s facilities or close by, to creating a more inclusive community to both King’s and GKT sports teams. I would push to create more social media presence, so both students that do sports and those that do not can be included in competitions, either as participants or spectators. Sports can be the best way to create a community and meet different people within King’s!


  • International student voice


Being a part of a university that is not in your home country can seem scary and alienating. As an international student myself I would represent the different struggles of international students, from more financial aid to creating a more inclusive environment so we all think of King’s as home.


  • Creating a King's Family


The most important thing about a student trustee and being in a leadership position is listening to others with an open mind and a supportive attitude. Having been part of King’s in different roles, from working for KCL as a Student Ambassador, to being part of the Principals Global Leadership Award, has opened my eyes to all the struggles different students encounter during their time at King’s. Whether it is academic, financial, professional, or social, I want to be the person who listens. Often labelled as the “mom-friend” by those around me, I want to be a student trustee that you vent about your problems to and strives to find solutions to solve them. We are all a family in KCLSU, we are all important.