KCLSU NUS Delegates, Motions & Special Resolutions

Each year we run an NUS Delegates Election which gives you the opportunity to represent King's students at the NUS National Conference where representatives from institutions from all over the country will debate and vote on national policies.

The recommendation (Special Resolution) is to vote “Yes” in favour of changing to a student-led, appointment process for the four part-time, volunteer student trustees who will work alongside the elected Student Officers on the KCLSU Board of Trustees:

  • Vote: Yes. I agree to the recommendation.
  • Vote: No. I am not in favour of the recommendation.

Vote on The NUS Motions & Special Resolution

Vote now in The NUS Delegates Election

You must be logged into the kclsu website with your student account to participate in these elections. Polls close at 10am on Monday!

No elections are currently running

Note:"During the KCLSU AGM on 2 February 2023 it was incorrectly stated that a simple majority was needed to make a change to the Articles of Association in relation to the Special Resolution proposal. The Companies Act requires a 75% majority of the voting membership (i.e. students who participate in the vote) in order to pass the recommended amendment to the Articles of Association. It should be noted that the meeting itself still needs to meet an overall quoracy of 0.5% of KCLSU membership."

Robert Liow sitting
“You're a student at King's and your voice is important. Be heard, and make a difference to yourself and your colleagues by taking part in Student Union campaigns and activities!”

- Robert Liow, 3rd year LLB Law, President of the International Students' Rights Campaign.

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