News Article

NUS Women Students' Conference

A few weeks ago, I attended as an observer with delegates the NUS women conference in Bristol.  The conference brought together delegates from students' unions affiliated to NUS UK to discuss, debate and vote on motions and elect the political leadership for the year ahead. The conference is made up of panel discussions, debating and passing policy, elections, caucuses and workshops. 

You can read the motions here   

And here’s some of the policy that was passed: 

  • Motion 201: Supporting Student Parents and Carers
  • Motion 211: Grant students’ maternity rights now
  • Motion 302: Stand with academic staff against precarious contracts
  • Motion 303: Challenging TERF/transmisogynistic ideology on campus and in the academy
  • Motion 402: Recognising Women's Work on Their Campuses
  • Motion 403: Defending NUS Liberation Campaigns

Many thanks to Sarah, National Women’s Officer, who has been amazing and supported us with our various campaigns. Rachel Watters, NUS-USI Women's Officer, was elected as the 2019/20 Women’s  Officer.
If you want to ask any questions about Women’s Conference or would like to know how the delegates voted on a particular issue, get in touch with



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