News Article

Unlock the Power of Volunteering this Student Volunteering Week

Volunteering isn’t just about doing good; it’s about feeling good and gaining more than you might expect. According to a study in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour (2007), volunteering consistently and in diverse ways is linked to wellbeing. In simpler terms, it’s a win-win! You feel good, and so does the cause you’re supporting. 

Find out more about the benefits of volunteering for you and others this Student Volunteering Week below.

Academic Gain and Mind-Body Harmony 

In the academic arena, it’s not just about hitting the books. The study mentioned above shows that volunteering is intrinsically linked to wellbeing. Finding balance in university life is key. Volunteering isn’t just a nice extra; it keeps a mental balance. In a nutshell, it’s good for your mind as much as it is for the cause you’re supporting. So, whilst you’re boosting your grades and studying, you’re also making yourself feel better, which in turn motivates you to do better.


Boosting Your Skills 

Volunteering is a playground for gaining skills that textbooks can’t teach you. Whether it’s leadership, teamwork, or problem solving, you’re in the driver’s seat. Employers love candidates with real-world experience, and volunteering is your ticket to building a skill set that stands out. 


Giving back to the community?  

Volunteering is a greatly rewarding experience that allows you to give back to your community. If you feel like getting involved in bigger issues, try searching how to work for an NGO or a charity, whose mission you feel close to. If you think you’d prefer to get involved locally to improve something closer to home, why not search a local community centre? You can help bring in something positive to your neighbourhood.? 


Networking Opportunities 

Picture this – you're not just making a difference; you’re making connections. Volunteering is a way to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network. Those connections might open doors to opportunities you never thought possible.


Sense of Purpose 

Sometimes life can feel repetitive, especially when you are studying to get to a point in the future where you have a career. Volunteering can inject a sense of purpose into your routine. Knowing you’re making a positive impact can give you a renewed sense of meaning and direction. 

KCLSU’s Volunteering Scene 

KCLSU has a history of impactful volunteering. With over 50,000 students studying at King’s, our volunteering crew is a powerful bunch. We’ve got the collective voice to make real changes, no matter the cause. 


As KCLSU Volunteering Week kicks off, check out the opportunities we’ve got. Whether you’re into community service, saving the planet, or fighting injustice, there’s a sport for you somewhere. Take a look at our volunteering page to discover what clicks for you. 



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